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Blue Angel...

This is my friend Blue Angel. I'm pretty sure that she didn't have the Navy's Blue Angels in mind when she picked her handle, but HEY, I'm doing the cartoons (hahaha), and I thought drawing an F-18 Tomcat would be COOL (hahaha). I guess I could have put a halo on her though, because she really is an angel!
Blue Angel Cartoon
Sparkles Cartoon
Yeh, I know the handle is "Sparkles" and NOT "Sparklers", but I couldn't come up with any ideas on how to make the cartoon look like it sparkled (hahaha). Besides, Sparkles is a very nice lady, so I'm sure she won't mind me taking a little artistic license (hahaha)!
This is Booboo-Chic's mom, Momt1954, who also chats in the Hangout. I'm not sure what the story is behind the flying teeth, but that's what Booboo wanted me to do, so I try to be accomodating (hahaha).

Momt1954 Cartoon

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Last modified: June 19, 1999
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